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The Costume of Red Dao People living in Quản Bạ
December 02, 2008        2,170 views

(Cinet)- The traditional costume of the Red Dao People living in Quản Bạ is different from the one of Red Dao living in Hoàng Su Phì , especially the women’s clothes.

The arts of patterned decoration on the Bahnar’s brocades
October 31, 2008        2,298 views

(Cinet)- The brocaded patterns are used on most of jumpers, dresses, blankets and knitting. The Bahnar people often choose black, red and white to make deep impression. Symmetric patterns are considered to reflect the universal conception, the philosophy of life and death and the nature–centre theory. The Bahnar’s brocades look like a miniature nature. That is the stylization of geometry, mountains and forests. Each Bahnar’s woman has her own way to decorate the brocades which is seen by the Bahnar’s traditional brocade textile.

The marvelous bandanna of the South Vietnamese people
October 24, 2008        2,079 views

Tiny and hardly apart from people, the bandannas make many ethnics’ costumes more beautiful and attractive. Each bandanna has it own design, color but they all are the beloved symbols in both physical and spiritual lives and leave people such a deep impression like other scarves such as the bandanna of the South Vietnamese people, the Chit and Vanh scarves of Hue people, the Pieu scarf of the Thai Ethnic, the Khanh-ma-om scarf of the Cham Women in An Giang province.

The specific characteristics of Sai Gon costume in the past
October 21, 2008        1,632 views

Long time ago, the Chinese in Vietnam had braid hair and wore the Chinese silk wide-sleeved shirt decorated patterns or letter “Happy”, broad-brimmed cap. They mainly lived on home craft and small business.

leaf hat
October 06, 2008        2,205 views

While girls from other countries love to wear hats with made of multi-color expensive materials, with attached feathers and bows, Vietnamese girls are attracted to the Vietnamese leaf-covered hat (non la) which can not be found from anywhere else in the world.
