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The traditional costumes of Lut’s women
May 30, 2008        1,706 views

The traditional costumes of Lut’s women are inclusive of: turban, shirt, dress and belt.

The four-panel traditional dress and Kerchief – the gracefulness of Kinh Bac’s women.
May 23, 2008        4,177 views

(Cinet)- So far, the origin of the four-panel traditional dress has not been known yet, however, if we go back in time, the carved image of Vietnam’s four-panel traditional dress with two flatting laps is found on the face of Ngoc Lu bronze drum recognized thousands of years ago.

Bahnar’s traditional costume
May 15, 2008        2,127 views

(Cinet)- The Bahnar men wear split neck jumpers. This is a non-sleeved jumper. Its body is decorates by the red horizontal stripes and the fringe is white. T shaped loin- clothes are worn by winding around the belly, passing through the groins then covering part of the bums. On cold days, they put on more blankets. In the past men used to do their hair high up in a knot or let it down. If they wear scarves, Dau Riu style is preferred. On the Tomb Abandoning Ceremony, they often twist their hair in buns behind the neck with a peacock feather on. Men also wear bronze bracelets.

The Thai’s costume
May 12, 2008        2,157 views

The Thai thinly distributes in various areas and regions. In each area, each group of the Thai has different costume styles.

Costume of the Si La ethnic
May 09, 2008        2,835 views

(Cinet)- The Si La’s costumes have their own identity of an ethnic. Besides the function of protecting bodies, they have distinct social, gender and aesthetic functions. Woman’s costume reflects clearly her age and marital status.